
Out of the box, Stately comes with a few options to configure your site. All site-wide configuration options are customized by editing your site’s _config.yml file.

Default configuration

In addition to the standard Jekyll configuration variables, Stately provides a few extras for various customizations you may want to make. Here is a good starting point to use in your _config.yml file:

# Stately settings
nav_logo_file: assets/images/stately-logo.png # path to the logo file for the main nav (supports svg, png, jpg, gif). Delete this line for no logo.
footer_logo_file: assets/images/stately-logo.png # path to the logo file for the footer nav (supports svg, png, jpg, gif). Delete this line for no logo.
footer_text: false # Text to appear in the footer, copyright information, contact links, etc...
github_link: true # Display link to edit page content on GitHub. Delete this line or set to false for no link.
github_pages_branch: master # Branch where gh-pages site is hosted (either master, master/docs, or gh-pages). Delete this line for no GitHub pages branch.

## Info bar settings
info_bar: false # Bar at the top of all pages. Delete this line or set to false for no info bar display.
info_bar_text: This is not an offical site of the <a href="//" class="text-white text-underline">U.S. Government</a> # Only shows if info_bar == true

The variables in the Info bar section have been commented out so that the info bar UI component is not displayed by default.

Site-wide configuration variables, values, and defaults

Variable Description Values
nav_logo_file Path to the image file that displays on the upper right corner of the main nav. assets/images/stately-logo.png (default), any path or url to an image file, or nil (no image).
footer_logo_file Path to the image file that displays on the lower right corner of the footer. assets/images/stately-logo.png (default), any path or url to an image file, or nil (no image).
footer_text Text to appear in the footer of the site. false (default) uses the default text, or override this with any text (HTML accepted, text will be white by default)
github_link Display a link to edit the page on GitHub on the bottom of every page? true (default), or false (nil)
github_pages_branch the branch where the GitHub pages site is hosted master (default), master/docs, gh-pages, or nil
info_bar Display the black info bar on the top of the site? true (default), or false (nil)
info_bar_text Text to display in the info bar (only works if info_bar is set to true) Any text (HTML accepted, text will be white by default)

Page-level configuration

Stately also allows for a few page-level customization options.

Show page in the main nav

By default only pages that contain nav: true in their front-matter will be displayed in the main nav.

title: Page title
layout: page
nav: true

Create a side nav with a group of pages

Stately also allows a second level nav to be created using the parent: attribute.

First setup a parent of your group. This page probably also should be in the main nav, but that may depend on your specific taxonomy.

title: Parent level page
layout: page-two-col
nav: true
parent: Parent level page
permalink: parent-level-page/

Then setup the parent’s children. These pages will show up in the sidebar nav along with the parent. See the /docs section of this site as an example of how this works.

title: Second level page
layout: page-two-col
parent: Parent level page
permalink: parent-level-page/second-level-page
title: Sibling of second level page
layout: page-two-col
parent: Parent level page
permalink: parent-level-page/sibling-of-second-level-page